Center for Innovation Opportunities

The CPSE Center for Innovation plans to launch officially in Quarter 1 2025 and is currently securing partnerships and sponsorships. We plan to secure commitments via contract by October 31st, 2024, with funds not due until 2025. You can review the different tiers of sponsorship below.

 We are open to discussions with potential partners and sponsors on in-kind sponsorships for content development, publishing, research, and technology or custom sponsorships. Those interested in partnering/sponsoring the CPSE Center for Innovation, please contact

Center for Innovation Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors receive visibility through Center for Innovation events and programming. Tiered sponsorship levels offer distinct benefits.

Sponsorship Opportunities



Endowing Sponsor

(1 available)

Select this opportunity

$75,000 per year
  • “CPSE Center for Innovation endowed by (Sponsor)” shown on:
    • Top of entire CPSE Center for Innovation Website
    • Top of CPSE Center for Innovation Partners Page
    • Prominent location on all CPSE Center for Innovation printed and digital materials
  • Invitation to address one in-person CPSE Center for Innovation Board meeting and join the Board for dinner
  • Quarterly one-to-one virtual meetings with CPSE Center for Innovation staff
  • Monthly update emails
  • Minimum 2-year commitment

Founding Sponsor

(2 available)

Select this opportunity

$50,000 per year
  • “CPSE Center for Innovation founded by (Sponsor)” shown on:
    • CPSE Center for Innovation Partners Page
    • All CPSE Center for Innovation printed materials
  • Annual one-to-one virtual meeting with CPSE Center for Innovation staff
  • Monthly update emails
  • 1-year commitment

Supporting Sponsor

(10 available)

Select this opportunity

$25,000 per year
  • Name listed on CPSE Center for Innovation Partners Page
  • Logo placed on all CPSE Center for Innovation printed materials
  • Annual group virtual meeting with CPSE Center for Innovation staff
  • Monthly update emails
  • 1 year commitment

Industry Advisory Council Membership

This option allows for smaller funding contributions while providing input on the Center’s initiatives and gaining access to exclusive networking opportunities and insights.

Select this opportunity

$5,000 per year (non-profit organizations)

$15,000 per year (for-profit organizations)

  • Annual virtual meeting with opportunity to receive updates and provide input
  • Annual survey invitation to provide input on CPSE Center for Innovation and its service areas
  • Monthly update emails
  • Early preview of CPSE Center for Innovation publications
  • Names listed on CPSE Industry Advisory Council Page
  • 1 year commitment

Service Area Sponsorship

Sponsors can support specific service areas and offerings tailored to their interests and needs.

Select this opportunity

$20,000 – $35,000 per year, depending on program with only one sponsor per program
  • Name listed on Service Area webpage “(Service Area) sponsored by (Name)”
  • Name listed on CPSE Center for Innovation Partners Page
  • Logo listed on CPSE Center for Innovation publications related to the service area
  • Minimum 2-year commitment

Project Sponsorships

Sponsors can support specific projects within service areas tailored to their interests and needs.

Select this opportunity

The amount is dependent upon the scope of the project with only one sponsor per project
  • Name listed on materials related to project “(Project) sponsored by (Name)
  • Commitment for length of project